In the Caucasus We Count

Survey on the Level of Social Cohesion in Armenian Society

Country: Armenia
Funder: (UNDP/Fostering Democratic Governance Program)
Dates: December – October, 2011

Project Title: Survey on the Level of Social Cohesion in Armenian Society
Donor: UNDP/ Fostering Democratic Governance Program
Project objective: To encourage the government to improve public policy making on development priorities through strengthened dialogue between various strata of society. The collection of quantitative and qualitative data on Social Cohesion will result in a final report and motivate recommendations to improve and strengthen social cohesion and public participation in Armenia. The results of the survey will be made available to all possible beneficiaries including public officials, NGOs, businesses and others to maximize impact.
Study design: “Classical” survey with quantitative and qualitative measures
A countrywide survey among 1500 adults will target the national level and gather the opinion of the general population of Armenia. In total 12 focus group discussions and 40 in-depth interviews will be conducted.
Output: Dataset, Presentation.